if we develop a web by coding we can do a lot change no issue of plugin or theme version so what we an do to manage new version of plugin ,theme without any effect on web or takes less ...
Forum By W3make Latest Questions
Suppose we have a webpage and in that webpage javascript contain variable “score” which is Highest score of all time among all users, we need to show that Highest score in an app how will we achieve this?
Write a C++ program to find the factorial of a given number using recursion?
How can you swap the values of two variables using a temporary variable in C++?
What are the key principles of object-oriented programming?
What is the difference between Post increament and pre increament function in c++ ?
I have been developing Android applications using Java until now, but I’ve come across conflicting opinions on the internet regarding the superiority of Java or Kotlin for Android development. I am starting a new and important Android project. I want ...
Dijkstra’s algorithm is a popular algorithm for finding the shortest path between two nodes in a graph with non-negative edge weights.